Genie-2000 questions & answers

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Question by Guest
May 20, 2013

I have installed Genie 2000 software on my 64-bit Windows 7, but when I try to run the VDM service manager file, it shows VDM has stopped working. Can someone explain to me why this happens and help me out?

Answer by Julia Bocchetta

Genie 2000 is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows XP Professional, SP2, Windows Vista® Enterprise and Business Editions, Windows 2003 Server R2 and Windows 2008 Server (32-bit). As you can see, it does not have support for 64-bit. Since it's software used in the scientific area, it's possible that although it has Windows 7 support, 64-bit is not supported because these tools require extra development. In this case, you should contact the company which develops the application.

Due to its compatibility issues, when you try to run the application, it conflicts with the operating system's core and so it shows errors.

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